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What is direct pay?
Direct pay healthcare is a financial arrangement made directly between you and your doctor. We do not accept or bill health insurance. No referrals or approvals are needed.
There are several benefits to direct pay healthcare, including:
● Affordability: Direct pay healthcare can be more affordable than traditional health insurance, especially for patients with high deductibles.
● Transparency: Chappell Dermatology offers clear and upfront pricing for our services in order to help patients make informed decisions about their healthcare.
● Access: Chappell Dermatology provides easy access to healthcare with limited wait times for appointments.
● Personalized care: The traditional insurance model often requires high patient volume. This can lead to rushed appointments for both doctors and patients. The direct pay model allows Dr. Chappell the ability to spend more time with you and develop a better understanding of your individual needs.
What conditions are treated?
Chappell Dermatology is your skin care home. We most commonly address:
● Acne
● Aging
● Customized skin care routine
● Hair loss
● Hirsutism (chin hair in women)
● Hyperpigmentation
● Ingrown hairs (razor bumps)
● Rashes
● Rosacea
● Wrinkles*
*Cosmetic concierge appointments are available upon request (additional fees apply based on distance). To request this service, please click here to begin with a virtual cosmetic consultation.
Why use direct pay if I have insurance?
Direct pay is perfect for patients who want to see a specialist, but would like to avoid surprise insurance bills and confusing reimbursements, copays, and co-insurance breakdowns. Direct pay is also great for patients who have high deductibles.
A direct pay appointment at Chappell Dermatology can be less expensive than a traditional dermatology appointment through a high deductible insurance plan.
What happens during a virtual appointment?
During your appointment with Dr. Chapppell, you will receive a diagnosis and a customized care plan, including any necessary prescriptions. Dr. Chappell will thoroughly review your care plan with you and answer any questions. Virtual appointments typically last 30 minutes.
Will I see a doctor during my appointment?
Every patient will be seen by Dr. Chappell, a board certified dermatologist. Chappell Dermatology strives to deliver high caliber care. We value our patients and believe they deserve the very best.
Can I use my insurance for prescriptions?
Yes, you can still use your insurance benefits for prescriptions.
Can I see Dr. Chappell in person?
Cosmetic concierge appointments are available upon request.
Please sign up for our mailing list to receive practice updates regarding when Dr. Chappell will be available for in person appointments in the future.
Is this a membership?
No, this is not a membership. Chappell Dermatology offers fair and transparent appointment pricing. You will receive a quote for your appointment prior to booking.
What if my concern is not listed?
Virtual healthcare may not be appropriate for every skin condition. If you have a concern that is not listed above, please contact us. We will review your request and let you know the next best steps.